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Title: Análise do acesso e inclusão de candidatos com talento nos cursos de artes na Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane: legislação, os processos avaliativos e selectivos nos exames de admissão
Authors: Gonçalves, António Cipriano Parafino
Chirindza, Delisa Angelina
Keywords: Acesso ao ensino superior
Exames de admissão
Cursos de artes
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: The present dissertation aims to verify the access and inclusion of talented candidates in higher education in the School of Communication and Arts (Escola de Comunicação e Artes) of Eduardo Mondlane University. It was a qualitative study supported by combination of methods and techniques of data collection, in order to offer a panoramic overview of Higher Education Institution of arts in Mozambique within its evaluation and selection processes of admission exams of talented candidates in music and theater courses at Eduardo Mondlane University. It was undertaken a comparative approach to focus on performative courses in the period between 2012 and 2018, because there were made changes in these courses especially in the management of admission exams, available places, and curriculum reforms. There were used semi-structured interviews to four categories of participants in the study, namely, courses directors; exams elaboration commission; evaluators; and members of Admissions Department of UEM. It was applied an statistic compilation of data method of admission reports from 1999 to 2018 and two papers of admission exams from 2012 to 2018. Through this research it was possible to see that in legal terms, in Mozambique there are not regulations regarding inclusion of talented people. Within UEM and ECA there are no inclusive models of admission exams, selection, and access conditions and other condiments of identification of talented candidates and with potential to higher abilities in arts and other areas of knowledge.
Appears in Collections:DOGE - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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