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Title: Valoração contingente dos ecossistemas do estuário dos Bons Sinais pelas comunidades locais
Authors: Mugabe, Eulália Domingos
Hoguane, António Mubango
Mabota, Humberto Silvestre
Keywords: Comunidades costeiras
Serviços ecossistémicos
Estuário dos Bons Sinais
Rrendimento familiar
Conservação dos ecossistemas
Issue Date: Feb-2021
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: In the present work the Contingent Valuation Method was applied to estimate the economic value of the Bons Sinais Estuary for local communities as a tool to help decision making on sustainable management, given the degradation scenarios of mangrove forests and fisheries resources that occur. For this purpose, the family income per activity of the resident communities was estimated, as well as the household willingness to pay per year for the conservation of ecosystems and using linear and logistic regression models the probable socio-economic and demographic factors controlling the decisions of the households regarding their willingness to pay were determined. The average annual household income from fishing was estimated at USD 672 and annual average household income from trade, agriculture, mangrove exploration and other activities were estimated at USD 558, USD 304, USD 124 e USD 155, respectively. About 89% of the households interviewed stated that they were willing to pay (contribute) to the proposed project. The annual average willingness to pay per household by cash was USD 11.3 and by labor force was estimated at USD 153.7. The socio-economic and demographic factors that significantly (𝑝 < 0.05) influenced households' declared willingness to pay were the level of urbanization in the area of residence, the origin of the head of household and the size of the household, which in turn, suggests that when thinking about mechanisms of participative management of the ecosystems of the Bons Sinais Estuary these factors must be considered in the definition of social groups more favorable to the plans of conservation. The study also concluded that, while the original definition of the Contingent Valuation Method does not consider the willingness to pay by labor force, it may be a more realistic alternative to express the economic value of ecosystems for communities whose income depends on the direct exploitation of the resources being valued.
Appears in Collections:Dissertações de Mestrado - ESCMC

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