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Title: Influência do apoio dos pais ou encarregados de educação no desempenho escolar dos educandos: caso da 8ª classe da Escola Comunitária Nossa Senhora do Livramento, no município da Matola
Authors: Mário, Mouzinho
Cossa, José de Inocêncio Narciso
Keywords: Processo de ensino-aprendizagem
Gestão escolar
Desempenho escolar
Relação escola - comunidade
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2013
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: This research aims to understand, to what extent the support of parents or guardians influences the students' school performance. In this order of ideas, the study aimed to answer the following questions: How is the role of parents or guardians understood and interpreted both by teachers, members of the Board and by the parents or guardians of the School Community of Nossa Senhora do Livramento (ECNSL)? To what extent does the support of parents or guardians influence the school performance of students at ECNSL? To answer the above questions, the research opted for a qualitative approach, which consisted of conducting interviews and questionnaires to teachers, members of the School Board, parents or guardians and students and analyzing documents. The study was based on a convenience sample of six teachers, three of whom were female and three male, five members of the School Board, one female and four male, and by the extreme case method , I selected 26 students, of whom 13 were female and 13 male, and 26 parents or guardians, of whom thirteen (13) parents of students who had poor school performance and the remaining thirteen (13) parents, of students who performed well, also selected by the extreme case method. The study showed that all students who benefited from greater support from parents or guardians had a good school performance. The study recommends a greater involvement of parents or guardians in the students' school activity, not only in terms of monetary and material support, but also of interaction with teachers at the School
Description: Dissertação de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Curricular e Instrucional
Appears in Collections:DFPEC - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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