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Title: Análise das práticas de avaliação na sala de aulas de matemática da 11ª classe do ensino secundário geral
Authors: Fagilde, Sarifa A. M.
Januário, Francisco Maria
Gomes, Victor de Jesus
Keywords: Avaliação pedagógica
Processo de ensino-aprendizagem
Ensino de matemática
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2005
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: Pedagogical assessment is a complex process constantly applied by all the processors of teaching and learning. Teachers and students have assessment as support for educational history. In the classroom, the teacher's evaluation may be focused on the quantity or quality of the evaluated. In the classroom, the teacher's evaluation may be focused on the quantity or quality of the evaluated. In this study we intend to investigate how and that the evaluation practices can influence the students' learning quality. The researcher focused his attention on the assessment activities used by teachers in the classroom. For this research, the Josina Machel Secondary School in Maputo City was chosen as the object of study and, the focused target, were the teachers of Mathematics of the 11th class of general secondary education. From this group, for convenience, three teachers from three classes were observed. Every dialogue between teachers and students was recorded on magnetic tape which was later transcribed in an episode by the investigator. Some notes were taken during these observations. Interviews were also carried out with the teachers in order to understand their feelings regarding the evaluation. The results of this research show that teachers have not given due importance to assessment activities in the classroom. Teachers use questions that cry out for answers in chorus as a way of not wasting time and thus complying with long-term teaching programs. However, these types of questions do not allow an assessment and may even contribute to some students learning certain concepts inappropriately. The research also made it possible to verify that on several occasions teachers ask questions not to assess the degree of compression and learning of the students, but to structure the classes or choose the words that best express their ideas. Another result of this research is related to the attitude of teachers towards students. In some cases, teachers answer students' questions unclearly and in others they take aggressive actions when students do not answer their questions or ask for clarification of a certain concept. (TRADUÇÃO NOSSA)
Description: Dissertação de Mestrado em Educação em Ciências Naturais e Matemáticas
Appears in Collections:DECNM - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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