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Title: Análise das artes performativas no desenvolvimento local: um estudo de caso sobre a contribuição das danças Makwayela e Mutimba no distrito de Boane
Authors: Nipassa, Orlando
Chiulele, Leonilde Marcelo
Keywords: Desenvolvimento local
Ritmos tradicionais
Dança Makwayela
Dança Mutimba
Local development
Traditional rhythms
Mutimba Dance
Makwayela Dance
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2022
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: The present dissertation is a case study that analyzes the contribuition of Makwayela and Mutimba dances in local development, involving the interaction between artists as institutions that manage culture in the district of Boane. The argument is defedend according to which the performing arts contriute to local development by changing the mentalities of all social strata involved in artistic management, artistic sensitivity, recognition of artistic value, freedom and community participation.. In this qualitative research, four semi-structure interviews were applied to (4) employees of the District Services of Education, Youth and Culture, three (3) employees of the Municipality of Boane and six (6) artists, totaling (13) participants. Based on the theory of Human Development by Amartya Sen, it has found that artists do not enjoy complete freedom to expose their needs and claim their artistic rights. This time, it was concluded that the performing arts have a low contribution to local development in the district of Boane, since there is no alignment between the objectives of the Strategic plan for Culture an the reality under study
Appears in Collections:DS - FLCS - Dissertações de Mestrado

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