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Title: Delimitação de terras comunitárias (DTC): sua contribuição na segurança de posse de terras e no rendimento agrícola “per capita” das famílias rurais em Nicoadala - Zambézia
Authors: Mungói, Cláudio Artur
Magalhães, Félix Augusto Ladina de
Keywords: Uso e aproveitamento da terra
Delimitação de terras comunitárias
Agricultura familiar
Comercialização agrícola
Issue Date: 22-Jul-2014
Abstract: In Mozambique the earth is regarded as one of the m ajor inputs. Nevertheless, of the 36 million hectares of arable land, only 10% are currently bei ng explored. It is a country where about 70% of the population lives in rural areas with agricul ture as their main source of livelihood. Given these factors and many others, access and safety on the use and enjoyment of land is relevant for the relief of absolute poverty. The approaches for access and safety on the use and enjoyment of land, is the Community Land Delimitation (CLD) which continues to be a mechanis m that responds to a range of situations and different driving forces that compel communitie s to establish "strong" rights on their land . In these aspects, focuses on the question that to w hat extent this approach would have the most positive impact on the livelihoods of the rural poo r, starting from the principle that the community land delimitation allows communities to c onsolidate and ensure ownership use and full utilization of that resource for the purpose t o improve their living conditions. This time, based on an Exploratory Descriptive, we sought to evaluate the contribution of community land delimitation (CLD) in ensuring the L and Tenure Security and Agricultural Income "per capita" of rural households in the dist rict of Nicoadala within aggregates family which are bounded and not bounded communities. The field data collection took place from January t o June 2013 and involved the researcher assisted by two technicians (Extensionistas) knowle dgeable of the local reality of the study area. The data of agricultural production relate the quan tities produced in crop year 2012/2013. To this end , the survey underwent a total of 289 h ouseholds (individually) in nine (9) communities, where six (6) bounded and three (3) no n- bounded distributed as follows: three (3) communities (1 non- bounded and 2 bounded) in the s outhern part of the district; three (3) communities (1 non- bounded and 2 bounded) in the d istrict center area and three (3) communities 1 non- bounded and 2 bounded) in the no rthern part of the district. 12 The people surveyed were identified on the basis of non- probability sampling (Sampling of common sense, sampling more informed and casual or accidental sampling) both within bounded communities as well as in non- bounded communities . The interviews were made to 16 key informants repre senting the administrative authorities of the district as Director of Bureau of Economic Activiti es (SDAE), Technical Services of the Provincial Geography and Cadaster (SPGC) and local Technician and local administrative entities such as secretaries and leaders of associa tions. While the focus group interviews were conducted at three groups, with sellers of local ma rkets, influential members of associations and structures of neighborhoods. The data collected in field surveys were put throug h the analysis on the basis of the statistical package SPSS 18.0. For such functions as "Cross Tab les" and "Custom Tables". These data were complemented and further interpreted with the infor mation gathered through interviews with key informants and focus groups. Were subsequently disc ussed the different strategies that can be used in a rural community to improve safety on the possession of land devoted to agriculture and raise the per capita income of agricultural househo lds. The analysis of several variables showed that demar cation of the Lands of rural communities is an extremely necessary but not necessarily sufficie nt to ensure the creation of wealth through. This process is not considered a direct factor in e nsuring the security of land tenure and automatically improving per capita incomes of agric ultural households should be integrated into a plan (Vision) wider development of the communitie s concerned. The Demarcation of Land is allowed and protected by law to ensure and prove DUATs acquired by a particular rural community environment, allowi ng formalization and protection of local rights acquired by occupation, empowering and stren gthening the community as inescapable economic actor able to develop draft own and partne rs in development projects of their own community. Similarly, it was found that households who feel relatively safer presented agricultural income per capita higher than those wh o feel insecure in the face of their plots of land. 13 The fact that a household belonging to an agro -liv estock association is one of the factors that most influenced positively on per capita agricultur al income, as well as contribute to improving security of land tenure, also contributes to access to many other inputs such as cultivation techniques, inputs, water and others. Within the district of Nicoadala there are two syst ems of access to land for agricultural and other activities. These systems are based on local habits and customs official and registered forms. In based on local habits and customs system can find t he individual and collective process where the collective farmers offers an affordable way to get stronger protection through some documentary evidence of your DUATs acquired by occu pation according to the Land Law. In these cases, the collective (Association) is the ho lder of DUATs over the entire area which belongs to members, so each member of the associati on get an individual assigned by collective DUATs following the norms and practices of the comm unity. Although a large proportion of households in the di strict do not bear the DUATs, this is not presented as an obstacle to allocation of efforts t o increase their agricultural income per capita. However, it is concluded that the fact that most ho useholds feel safe should not be the way they have access to land but other factors seem to have greater importance as a social, community, trust in local structures, known by neighbors who k now that they occupy the land for some time, etc. The organization and operation of farmer groups su ch as associations or other forms of collective ownership that work minimally, improve s ecurity of land tenure and access to other factors of production which can greatly increase fa rm income per capita of these households. These findings show the need to promote the dissemi nation of the law of associations and agro - pastoral land legislation for farmers and all other stakeholders in the allocation of DUATs process. So, with emphasis on legitimacy and legal recogniti on given to collective ownership and management processes land, in this context, it is n oted not only the model of agricultural 14 associations, but also the defined community that c an also have a documentary proof of their collective DUATs and can internally manage the allo cation and security of its members
Description: Dissertação de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Rural
Appears in Collections:Dissertações de Mestrado - FAEF

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