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Title: Estratégias de desenvolvimento de um currículo local no ensino básico
Authors: Voogt, Joke
Chevane, Viriato
Jamisse, Olga Judite
Keywords: Processo de ensino-aprendizagem
Plano curricular
Ensino básico
Currículo local
Issue Date: 18-Aug-2004
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: The local curriculum component in the new curriculum for basic education offers teachers an opportunity to design the local curriculum according to the real needs of each community where the school is located. In view of the teacher's lack of professional experience in preparing a curriculum, this study was developed with the aim of designing an instrument with strategies that could be used by teachers in the preparation of their local curricula. In order to adapt the investigation to the objective of the study, we sought to capture the main paradigms and elements that can guide the development of a local curriculum. A multiple case study of an exploratory nature was implemented as an investigation strategy. As they seem more appropriate techniques to achieve the pre-established objective, it is a priority to analyze literature related to curriculum development, semi-structured interviews, discussion groups in workshops, observation and questionnaires. The obtained data allowed to identify the reference domains that can be considered generic in the elaboration of a local curriculum. They also demonstrate that linear and deliberative approaches are potentially effective in the process of developing a local curriculum, as they are strategies that allow the teacher to be elucidated about the importance of logic and deliberation in the process of developing a local curriculum. In this way, the need to foster simulations of the local curriculum emerges in the seminars of teachers in office, as well as in the context of initial teacher training
Description: Dissertação de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Curricular e Instrucional
Appears in Collections:DFPEC - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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