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Title: Infra-estruturas rodoviárias rurais: sua contribuição no desenvolvimento territorial do posto administrativo de Sábié, distrito de Moamba
Authors: Matos, Elmer Agostinho Carlos de
Jethá, Sádia Banú Sultuane Jethá
Keywords: Infra-estruturas rodoviárias rurais
Desenvolvimento territorial
Rural road infrastructure
Territorial development
Issue Date: Feb-2022
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: Road infrastructures are important for the development of a country because they allow the mobility of people and goods, access to basic services essential to the population, attraction of investments, generation of income and employment opportunities. The existence of road infrastructures is fundamental for socio-economic development in rural communities. In the Administrative Post of Sábiè, their state of conservation is of poor quality, where they are of great importance, especially when it comes to agricultural activity, the main economic activity in the region. This study seeks to analyse the contribution of rural road infrastructures to the territorial development of the Administrative Post of Sábié. The methodology used is based on bibliographic research, consultation of documents and studies related to the theme under analysis and semi-structured interviews to determine the characteristics and the contribution of rural road infrastructures in the territorial development of the Administrative Post of Sábié. The results show that the current state of these infrastructures that establish the connection between the producing and consuming areas restrict the circulation of goods, given their quality condition (which tend to be poor, very poor and sometimes impassable). The condition of the roads has been a limiting factor for access to basic social services, such as health and education facilities. This causes adverse environmental impacts, health and safety problems (dust pollution that affects human health and plant health), and makes the success of agricultural, fishing, commercial and semi-collective transport activities impossible. A good road infrastructure in the Administrative Post of Sábié is a fundamental challenge for the promotion of local development. In this sense, due to the precariousness of rural infrastructures, their periodical maintenance is necessary, in some cases through Public-Private Partnership, due to the limitations faced by the State.
Appears in Collections:DG - FLCS - Dissertações de Mestrado

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