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Title: Descentralização e participação política das mulheres no processo de desenvolvimento comunitário nas autarquias de Xai-Xai e Manjacaze
Authors: Nipassa, Orlando
Manhique, Bernardo Ananias
Keywords: Descentralização
Desenvolvimento comunitário
Participação política da mulher
Autarquias de Xai-Xai e Manjacaze
Women's political participation
Community development
Issue Date: 20-Aug-2023
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: This dissertation analyzes the processes of decentralization and political participation of women in community development, at the level of the municipalities of Xai-Xai and Manjacaze. Specifically, we seek to understand the conditions that have contributed to the mayoralties of the municipalities of Xai-Xai and Manjacaze, namely Rita Bento Muianga and Maria Helena Langa, to be able to ascend to municipal presidencies and to participate in the community development processes. Questioning the argument according to which women have not been able to participate effectively in politics due to the prevalence of the patriarchal system and other cultural practices, we demonstrate in this research that the mayors of the municipalities of Xai-Xai and Manjacaze managed to ascend to the municipal presidencies and to participate in community development processes using their ability to act as subjects and to form political alliances based on the homology of positions. To carry out this study, a qualitative methodology was used, which allowed us to conduct semi-structured interviews, in which we sought to understand in detail the condition of women’s political participation in the districts of Xai-Xai and Manjacaze and their involvement in community development, Using the theoretical perspectives of Pierre Bourdieu, on the political field and Alain Touraine, with the notion of subject, the analysis carried out on the data showed us these results: (i) the examples of Rita Muianga and Maria Helena Langa reveal an awareness that the political field is not exclusive to men; (ii) the need to observe party discipline in order to obtain trust from their supporters; (iii) the search for popular support in order to acquire needed support for the election; (iv) the importance of carrying out specific actions that contribute to the community development process. The conclusions of this dissertation suggest the validation of the hypothesis that considers that the affirmation of themselves as women and the capacity to make negotiations and political alliances based on the homology of positions, the mayors of the municipalities of Xai-Xai and Manjacaze were able to ascend to the presidencies municipalities and to contribute to community development processes
Appears in Collections:DS - FLCS - Dissertações de Mestrado

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