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Title: Análise do processo de formação contínua de professores para a implementação das inovações curriculares no Ensino Básico ao nível da ZIP Beira-Mar, distrito de Marracuene
Authors: Tembe, Cristina
Boane, Filipe Carlitos
Keywords: Formação contínua
Inovação curricular
Desempenho profissional dos professores
Issue Date: Dec-2019
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: This research aims to analyze the process of continuous teacher training for the implementation of curricular innovations introduced in 2004 in Basic Education, at the level of ZIP Beira-Mar, with a view to improving the professional performance of teachers. The methodological approach adopted followed the precepts of mixed, qualitative and quantitative research. 37 participants were selected, of which 30 teachers, 5 school directors, and 2 technicians, 1 from the SDEJT of Marracuene and 1 from the MINEDH. Data collection was based on the questionnaire survey, interview and document analysis. For the analysis of results, content analysis and statistical procedures were used, using Excel, to calculate percentages and create graphs. The results of the research indicate that the continuous training, for the introduction of curricular innovations, was not effective, a fact that affects the professional performance of the teachers, because a considerable part had not developed the necessary skills to face the new challenges. In conclusion, the continuous training of teachers on curricular innovations in Basic Education at ZIP Beira-Mar, was not comprehensive, as the teachers involved did not reply at the level of their schools. In addition, continuous training actions are affected by factors such as the lack of guidance documents for consultation in schools, combined with difficulties for their interpretation by teachers; the poor psycho-pedagogical training of teachers; the difficulties in guaranteeing permanent supervision by the directors and senior management bodies, as well as involving the community.
Appears in Collections:DFPEC - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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