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Title: Participação da comunidade no processo de reassentamento no distrito de Massingir - Parque nacional do Limpopo no período de 2005 a 2019
Authors: Quive, Samuel António
Munjovo, Teófilo Domingos
Keywords: Participação da comunidade,
Parque Nacional do Limpopo
Issue Date: Feb-2022
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: The present research is subordinated to the theme: Community Participation in the Resettlement Process in the Massingir District - Limpopo National Park from 2005 to 2019 and aims to understand the participatory approaches used in the resettlement process of the Macavene community in the Limpopo National Park (PNL) in Massingir district, the research specifically aims to identify the community actors involved in the resettlement process; describe the forms of participation used in the resettlement process; analyze the factors that influenced the Macavene community's participation in the resettlement process, and finally, analyze the socio-economic impact of the resettlement process in the Macavene community. At a methodological level, the approach is qualitative, and the method is the case study. Participation in the resettlement process involved stakeholders namely: the Massingir District Government, host and resettled community, Macavene and Banga joint resettlement committee, pilot project resettlement working group and the community at large. All community members felt part of the process as they were only guided to participate in the meetings through awareness programs via community radios and through local leaders. The resettlement process of the Macavene community in the district of Massingir did not allow for an active participation of the population, a fact that leads to the inference that the experiences and perceptions of the locals were not considered because the community only participated to legitimize the process and not to influence decision making.
Appears in Collections:DS - FLCS - Dissertações de Mestrado

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