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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 30 of 30
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000-09-04Tides, circulation and water masses in Maputo BaySem Nome; Saide, Victor Fernando Martins
2009-10-06Ultrassonografia abdominal de cães e gatos hígidos, adultos e filhotesMamprim, Maria Jaqueline; Santos, Ivan Felismino Charas Dos
2009-06-06A coincident indicator for the swedish economyKarlsson, Sune; Mulenga, Alberto Chicafo
2004-04-20Growth, development and nutritional value of amaranthus tricolor L. as affected by salinity and harvesting procedureCombrink, N. J. J.; Ribeiro, Jerónimo Ernesto M. Machado
2003-02-13Forage selection of African buffalo through the late dry season in the Satara region of the Kruger National ParkOwen-Smith, Norman; Macandza, Valério António
2009-12-12Análise da cadeia produtiva de batata reno na região do Vale do Zambeze (Moçambique): estrutura de produção, governança e coordenaçãoSitoe, Almeida Alberto; António, Júlio
2001-02-12Butterfly assemblages of forest, grassland and disturbed ecotones near Goba, southern MozambiquePicker, Mike; Milton, Sue J.; Chongo, Daniel
2002-01-12I am squeezed: a case study of rural livelihood in Morrumbala district, MozambiqueHabinck, Paul; Boom, Andre; Artur, Luís
2006-09-17Efeitos do processo de construção da identidade organizacional nos resultados de produtividade - competitividade: estudo de caso de uma empresa moçambicanaSilva, Sandro Márcio da; Laisse, Sara Antónia Jona; Moreira, Lecy Rodrigues
2004-03-12The impact of the Congolese forced migrants’ ‘permanent transit’ condition on their relations with Mozambique and its peopleMalauene, Maria Malauene; Landau, Loren
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 30 of 30